Wednesday 19 May 2010

On your marks, get set....

General booking opens online at 00.01 tonight so I hope you'll all be poised by your computers in order to take advantage of what will probably be the quietest period of booking! Events are selling fast but there is still time to nab a ticket for your favourite speaker or author - not to worry, festival Friends haven't taken all of them in the priority booking week - although let that be an incentive to subscribe next year!

We interns are being truly swamped with the amount of postal votes coming in daily, which is encouraging but needs many a cup of tea and a couple of custard creams (per hour) to keep going with the requisite energy.

Also on the agenda: getting the word out about our bursaries for students aged 17-25 to local schools and colleges, and organising the rota for the stewards who will be helping out at the festival.

And now I'm going to go and calm down after a phone conversation with a very grumpy woman who thought the best way to solve the confusing mess she'd made of her booking form was by shouting at me. A custard cream should do the trick.

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